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The Official Website
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Privacy Policy -Any and all information provided via this website is for the express purposes of selling a product or utilizing services. No information is provided or sold to a third party or disclosed unless government officials mandate such through legal means. As per legal request, all parties involved will have a reasonable attempt to be contacted.
Disclaimer - Any and all consultation or advice (herein after referred to as advice) provided through this website or other contact methods are a fee for service, and is solely up to the discretion of the recipient in how they utilize said advice. At no time is the advice intended to cause harm to anyone. Business, relationship, family, and/or personal advice is inline with what clergy members may provide. Recipients of said advice may be cautioned that a licensed medical professional's services are better suited to assist with their needs. If you are experiencing feelings towards self-harm or feelings to harm others please immediately contact your local suicide hotline or call 911 as directed by your government or as provided by your country or region.
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Disclaimer - 1thousandrocks to take down RSD campaign and support is not a 501c3 entity nor is it a charity. It does not have a mandate over Marcus1Media or any affiliated person(s) or entities. All money is collected at the sole discretion of the website copyright holder. Although the aim is to provide information and to provide support for RSD survivors, we encourage you to visit various websites about RSD/CRPS such as,, and for more information. This website does not endorse any specific entity or organization.
No purchases are to be presumed with an specific amount to go to any other parties. Any and all donations and campaigns to RSD/CRPS are at the sole discretion of the website holder.
This website does not receive donations from any party or entity for any purpose. Any purchase through a link on this website is a fee for a product(s) or service(s) only.
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